Monday, May 13, 2013

Q4 Exam Review 2013


Capitalization and spelling issues.  Use the following passage as an example.  How would you best write the underlined section?

Many people know the great basketball player reggie miller,1 but few know the physical obstacles he had to overcome.  because2 he was born with deformed hips and ankles that turned inward, Reggie had to wear metal braces when he was a boy.  The doctors told him that he would never walk without a limp.  However, his Mother3 never stopped believing in her son.  “The doctors,” she said to Reggie, “Are wrong.  You’ll4 walk again.”  The braces came off when Reggie entered Elementary School.5  After his legs gained strength, he began running and playing basketball with his sister Cheryl.6  Her more experienced game challenged him to improve his own shots – and it paid off.  Years later, he was drafted by the nba.7  In 1996, as a member of the american dream team,8 he won a gold medal at the olympic games in atlanta.9  He is certainly destined for entry in the basketball hall of fame.10


Know each element of TPCASTT.  Be able to analyze a poem using TPCASTT.  It is not a poem that we read in class, but it is one in our book, by either Giovanni or Dove.


Mot Juste

Joe Turner's Come and Gone:

Be able to write about any of the following prompts:

A. Herald Loomis says that he is trying to find a place to fit. Discuss this concept in the play.
1) Which of the characters' have found places to fit in the world? How do they fit into their destinies?
2) Is there only one place, one destiny, for each character? Is Bynum able to "match" people to the places they fit, like suggesting that Jeremy go play in the guitar contests?
3) What makes a character fit into his or her place? Does this necessarily involve a job or a relationship?
4) Can Herald Loomis be successful in finding a place to fit in the world? Will finding Martha help him do this?

B. Discuss enslavement in the play.
1) What different types of enslavement are there in the play? How is Bynum's binding an enslavement? Is being in a relationship enslaving? Is religion enslaving?
2) In what ways is Loomis still enslaved by his seven years' labor for Joe Turner? What long-term effects does enslavement have on the characters?

C. Discuss the metaphor of traveling in the play.
1) In the play, freed blacks travel across the country and become separated from each other. What motivates this traveling? What does it show about these people and their experiences?
2) Characters in the play travel in search of people and things that they've lost. What are the characters searching for? Why is travel important in their search?
3) Roads play important roles in both Bynum and Loomis' visions. Explain the significance of roads and traveling in the characters' visions.

D. Discuss hope in the story.
1) Why do the freed slaves come north to Pittsburgh? What does Seth think and say about their hope for a new life? How accurate is Seth's opinion?
2) Do the characters have hope during the play? Do any of the characters, such as Loomis, Jeremy, or Mattie, gain hope? What do they hope for?
3) What role does hope play in life and happiness in the play? Is hope helpful or harmful?

E.  Though black slaves have been freed, the characters in the play still experience oppression. Discuss oppression in the play.
1) How is Jeremy oppressed, both when he is arrested and when he is fired from his job? What forces make this oppression possible?
2) Does Seth experience oppression or prejudice? Does his lack of backing in his metalworking plan and his relationship with Selig indicate any prejudice?
3) Is Bertha's story of how Selig makes money finding people credible? What significance does it have?
4) What forces in society lead to oppression of the characters in the story?

Monday, March 25, 2013




Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Doll’s House Compare/Contrast

In a minimum of 2, 5-7 sentence paragraphs:
Compare the book and the movie.  Specifically, analyze how the characters are portrayed through their costumes, acting, tone, voice, etc., as well as how the setting in the movie influences your thoughts about the characters.  In a second paragraph, evaluate which does a better job of conveying Ibsen’s message – the book or the movie?  Why?
25 points, using standard PSM Writing Rubric.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Q3 Exam review

Please email me with any questions. 

Know the main ideas of all 3 works. 

For "A Doll's House," know how the characters know each other. 
Know the pet names used for Nora, and what they symbolize. 
Know when Nora leaves the sitting room, and what her actions at the end of the play symbolize. 
Know how the characters feel about each other, and why. Ex - how does Torvald feel about Krogstad, and why? How does Dr. Rank feel about Nora, and why?

Short answer/essay

Select one symbol from The Metamorphosis.  Explain the significance, and connect the symbol to a character.  
Explain the speaker, situation, and significance of this quote:  "It is as if I had been going downhill while I imagined I was going up. And that is really what it was. I was going up in public opinion, but to the same extent life was ebbing away from me. And now it is all done and there is only death."

Other than death, what is the most prevalent theme in The Death of Ivan Ilyich?  Use details from the text to support your answer.  

Identify the irony in the following quote.  Include the speaker and situation.  "Do you know, Nora, I have often wished that you might be threatened by some great danger, so that I might risk my life's blood, and everything, for your sake."

In A Doll’s House, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, AND The Metamorphosis, how are the characters’ perceptions of reality both different from and the same as their actual realities?  How do these perceptions shape the characters?  How do they affect the themes?  

sycophantvacuous.      cantankerouspiece de resistancebane

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Doll's House link

Here is a link to the full text.  Acts 2 and 3 are on the left side.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Annotations Rubric - Due 2/27/13

Annotations Rubric, 100 points:

Annotation Rubric

Student analysis expertly addresses inferences, relevancy, and organization of the piece
Student analysis adequately addresses inferences, relevancy and organization.
Student analysis addresses some inferences, relevancy and organization.
Student analyzed some of the text, but most annotations are at the plot level.
Student did not attempt to analyze the text

All notes are correct or valid observations.
Most notes are correct or valid observations.
Some notes are correct or valid observations.
Few  notes are correct or valid observations.
Less than 1/2 of notes are correct or valid observations.

Demonstrated Knowledge
Shows expert understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Shows complete understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Shows substantial understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Response shows some understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Response shows a complete lack of understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.

Goes beyond the requirements
Meets the requirements.
Meets most requirements
Does not meet the requirements.
Work is not complete

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sources - Requirements, Links, and Suggestions

Your paper must include a minimum of 7 sources.
One source is the book itself.
You must have at least 4 literary criticisms as sources.
You must have at least 1 book/hard print source.  This may not be a reference source, such as an encyclopedia.
It is a good idea to have more than the required amount, in case any sources are not usable.

How do I find literary criticisms and reputable sources?

1.  Use Gale - conducting several different keyword searches will lead you to critical essays that are not just specifically about your book or author, but also about your topic/theme.  Something listed as "Reference" is not a critical essay.  Reference materials can be used for the other 2 sources.  This would include things like biographies or book reviews.  The password is psmlrc.

2.  Use the Internet Public Library for Literary Criticism -
Again, utilize different keyword searches.  Some of the links are outdated.  Some are not reputable sources. But you will also find some useful material.  If you have a question about a "reputable source," just ask.  If you print Joe Schmoe's essay about your book, posted on his personal blog, with no qualifications, it will not count as a source.  Look for criticisms written by professors, listed on .edu or .org websites first.

3.  Use the Chicago Public Library - If you have a working library card, you can find many sources.  You can find your print source at CPL, or check the LRC.

Ask questions!  I am here to help.  If you want to print sources, please copy and paste into a word document and shrink/customize margins in order to use the least amount of paper.  Look before you print.  Don't forget to include citation information - use to create MLA citations.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Senior Paper Book List and Prompts

Here is a link to the list of possible books you may choose.  You must have it approved.  Pick at least 2, because I will not allow more than 3 students to choose the same book.

Here is a link to prompts/ideas you can write about.  You can write about more than one idea, weaving several prompts into one paper.  These prompts were designed for a shorter essay.  They can be extended into a longer paper by adding more details and including sources that support your thesis.

Senior Paper Due Dates

1.  Novel Choices                               due  2/1/13                                          20 points ______

2.  Annotations                                  due 2/27/13                                         100 points______

3.  Thesis statement                         due 3/8//13                                          20 points ______

4.  Preliminary Sources - Working  “Works Cited” list 
due 3/8/13                                           20 points ______

5.  Notes – annotated notes, sources
due 3/28/13                                         20 points ______     

6.  Annotated Works Cited              due 3/28/13                                         80 points______

7.  Outline                                          due 4/12/13                                         50 points ______

6.  Rough Draft                                 due 4/22/13                                         20 points ______    

7.   Final Paper - No exceptions; no late work taken  
due 4/29/13                                         100 points______  
  • Title Page
  • Outline
  • Final Draft
  • Works Cited


Senior Paper Information

Senior Paper and Project
Mrs. Sullivan
Graduation Requirement

     The objective of this paper and project is to provide Providence St. Mel senior students the opportunity to plan, research and compose a lengthy scholarly paper based on a work of literary merit.  All students will choose the novel or play they plan to do for this third and fourth quarter assignment and graduation requirement .

     Students will read the novel, analyze, annotate, do research for and write a paper, create a short teaching unit and compose a five to ten minute presentation using Prezi technology to share their work.  The eight to ten page paper will be due on 4/29/13  and the Power Point presentations will be due the week of May 6, 2013.

Graphics, illustrations, slides and visuals as generated by a computer projection device will serve as the technological component of this project.  This project represents the capstone paper for the year’s work in English.
No late papers or presentations will be accepted.

Required elements:
1) Senior Paper – 7 to 10 pages, Title Page, Outline, Text, Works Cited, Appendix
Persuasive Paper which argues an interpretation, traces key symbols, motifs or themes used by that author and the significance the novel has to contemporary American, British or World literature.
100 points

2)Prezi Presentation – Outline and informational and informative slides to present key characters, author style, themes, symbols, figurative language from novel.
Students will present a five to ten minute speech reviewing the key elements of the novel studied to teach to their fellow classmates. 
Minimum of five well-designed slides containing images, quotations and other important information from or about the novel.  Presentations begin May 6.
100 points

Rubrics will accompany all sections for student assessment.  This is a Graduation Requirement.

Novel and Author choices:   
Work of literary merit – student choice – consult with teacher for approval.

Please see AP Prompts with novel choices listed.  Any major work of literary merit may be considered.  Please check option with me.