Thursday, February 7, 2013

Annotations Rubric - Due 2/27/13

Annotations Rubric, 100 points:

Annotation Rubric

Student analysis expertly addresses inferences, relevancy, and organization of the piece
Student analysis adequately addresses inferences, relevancy and organization.
Student analysis addresses some inferences, relevancy and organization.
Student analyzed some of the text, but most annotations are at the plot level.
Student did not attempt to analyze the text

All notes are correct or valid observations.
Most notes are correct or valid observations.
Some notes are correct or valid observations.
Few  notes are correct or valid observations.
Less than 1/2 of notes are correct or valid observations.

Demonstrated Knowledge
Shows expert understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Shows complete understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Shows substantial understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Response shows some understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.
Response shows a complete lack of understanding of the plot, themes, character motivation and other literary tools.

Goes beyond the requirements
Meets the requirements.
Meets most requirements
Does not meet the requirements.
Work is not complete

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