Friday, January 25, 2013

Sources - Requirements, Links, and Suggestions

Your paper must include a minimum of 7 sources.
One source is the book itself.
You must have at least 4 literary criticisms as sources.
You must have at least 1 book/hard print source.  This may not be a reference source, such as an encyclopedia.
It is a good idea to have more than the required amount, in case any sources are not usable.

How do I find literary criticisms and reputable sources?

1.  Use Gale - conducting several different keyword searches will lead you to critical essays that are not just specifically about your book or author, but also about your topic/theme.  Something listed as "Reference" is not a critical essay.  Reference materials can be used for the other 2 sources.  This would include things like biographies or book reviews.  The password is psmlrc.

2.  Use the Internet Public Library for Literary Criticism -
Again, utilize different keyword searches.  Some of the links are outdated.  Some are not reputable sources. But you will also find some useful material.  If you have a question about a "reputable source," just ask.  If you print Joe Schmoe's essay about your book, posted on his personal blog, with no qualifications, it will not count as a source.  Look for criticisms written by professors, listed on .edu or .org websites first.

3.  Use the Chicago Public Library - If you have a working library card, you can find many sources.  You can find your print source at CPL, or check the LRC.

Ask questions!  I am here to help.  If you want to print sources, please copy and paste into a word document and shrink/customize margins in order to use the least amount of paper.  Look before you print.  Don't forget to include citation information - use to create MLA citations.

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