Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Calendar of Due Dates

This is your schedule and the requirements for your Research Paper.

There are 10 steps we will complete while writing our research paper.

1.    Preliminary research                                
1/12                                         5 points
2.    Choose a topic/Sign contract                  
1/18                                         5 points
3.    LRC print source location                        
1/20                                       20 points
4.    Online web evaluations                        
2/02                                       20 points
5.    Research check-in (at least 5 sources)   
2/14                                       50 points
6.    Write a draft thesis                                   
2/18                                       50 points
7.    Annotated bibliography (includes ALL sources)                             
3/03                                     150 points
                                                                                                                                            END QUARTER 3        300 points in Q3
8.    Sentence Outline                                     
3/25                                       50 points
9.    Teacher Meeting                                      
Make appointment
10.  Complete a First Draft                             
4/08                                     100 points
First draft is rough.  Although it must be complete, you may still have questions, and will want to make major revisions.
11.  Peer Editing                                 
In class 4/15                          50 points
12.  Complete a Final Draft                             
4/21                                     200 points
                                            400 points in Q4

All dates are final.  Do not miss a due date.  If you do not complete a step of the process, you will not be permitted to go on to the next step, that is, whether or not you do the next step, it will not be accepted.  Missing a date means a deduction of 50%, but only for that step.  If you meet the next deadline, you will receive 100% for that step.

·         You must have 10 -15 sources
·         You may use 1 general encyclopedia (specialized encyclopedias are different)
·         You may have 2 web pages (print these*, I will need a copy)
·         You must have 4 book sources (check these out)
·         You must have 3 periodicals (print* or copy)


Your paper should be about 10 pages for seniors, 7 pages for juniors.

Contact Information
If you stay up to date, and follow the directions given, you will do well.  Please see me when you have questions.  When you have a question,
  • check our blog
  • stop by my room after school
  • email me at

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