Friday, January 7, 2011

Preliminary Research

You have selected 3 topics.  Today, you are going to research them.  After that, you will select your final topic and do some preliminary research.  By next week, you should have your preliminary research, available for me to check.  You can finalize your topic at any time, but the last date to change a topic is 1/18. 

Your assignment today is to find 3-5 useful web-based sources. First, look at the PSM LRC website.  Use GALE or Facts on File.  These databases are similar to what you will use in college, and they have reliable information and citations.  Look for webzines (Time and Newsweek have one), online newspapers (, news shows (CNN, The Today Show, Dateline, etc), databases with articles, images, videos, etc. Don't limit yourself to putting your topic into google. [Remember, if you want to gain some background knowledge, feel free to use Wikipedia, but remember it can't be a source. Check out the reference links at the bottom of the article.]

You may print up to five pages from MS Word. Do not print directly from the web. When you copy and paste, be sure to find your bibliographic information to copy and paste it too. Always copy the website. Save these MS Word documents to your H://, in which I hope you've created a "Research Paper" folder.  You can also e-mail information to yourself, or even create your own blog if you need a space to save information. 
A key element to finding these sources is reading them. Make time to find them in class, and read at least one thoroughly in class. Before printing, you should be scanning for key words. Don't underestimate the use of the "ctrl F" !! Ask the person next to you if you don't know what this does. Read the rest of these sources and begin highlighting key infomation.
Do not use the time to talk to your friends.
Please email me with any questions!

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